Newsletter - 22nd Jan 21

Meet our environmental food heroes + hear their amazing story

Your Lockdown Lifeline: weekly feel-good reads, exclusive deals and local highlights to enjoy from home, prepared with love by the team at Camdenist

 AWARD: Environmental Heroes, Food For All 

Not only do local charity Food For All supply something in the region of 5,000 free hot meals on the streets and delivered to doorsteps every day, but they also divert masses of perfectly edible food away from landfill and into hungry bellies. Lockdown saw them supercharge their efforts on both fronts, and for that they have been awarded the honour of Environmental Heroes in Week 3 of 

Camden Covid Champions

. Read their amazing and inspiring story here, and make sure you follow all the winners and shortlisted others as they appear on the awards landing page each week, too.

It's Friday, so the traditional day in the week to bake a sweet Challah bread, and it's lockdown, so you really do have time to learn (even if that means on Saturday). Not content with supplying top grocery boxes via their Food Hub, N1C Middle Eastern restaurant The Coal Office also post a monthly step-by-step video of how to make meals almost as good as theirs, at home. Here's Head Chef Nitai Shevach with the complete Challah masterplan.

This week's quirky local history feature, coming to you in partnership with

Camden History Society

, is the perfect inspiration for an adventurous lockdown walk. Seek out an ancient Norse rune stone without leaving NW1 - if you know where to look when crossing Regent's Park. You'll discover how Harald Bluetooth's sacred painted rock apparently ended up this far from Denmark.

Women + Health in Camden is a non-profit centre running counselling and body therapy courses online. Clara runs reiki and art therapy workshops on Tuesday evenings at 7pm. The group is a supportive online community for local women to explore art and creativity as a healing, relaxing and anxiety-busting tool. It is a donation based class and runs weekly into February. It's free, but donations are welcome. Find all the class links and info here.

Back in the summer, various organisations in the Knowledge Quarter contributed to a free print magazine that was given out to local families, stuffed full of creative activities for the holidays. Now we're all back in lockdown, KQ Playground Issue 1 is available free as one of those nifty page-turning online PDF documents - and comes in very handy when working out how to keep the kids drawing, dancing, writing and playing through yet another day spent on and around the sofa.

Camdenist is collaborative and transparent by design. We want all locals to participate, so we've built a form where you can send us ideas, propose features, and even contribute your own work.

 Well worth following...