Newsletter - 5th Feb 21

Become our ambassador - we've got really good incentives 😉

Your Lockdown Lifeline: weekly feel-good reads, exclusive deals and local highlights to enjoy from home, prepared with love by the team at Camdenist

 AWARDS: Emotional Support Champions 

For Week 5 of the Covid Champions awards, we're honouring the amazing work by the leaders of St Pancras Division Girlguides, who kept their weekly meetings for local Guides going every week online during the pandemic, offering a vital social and emotional lifeline to the girls, checking on their wellbeing, and generating a lot of joy and laughter along the way, too. Lack of social contact has proved a challenge for us all over the last year, so this story of togetherness, teamwork and support is guaranteed to warm the heart. They join the other fantastic nominees and winners of Camden Covid Champions awards to date, and you can catch up on all the stories here, with more added every week.

 NEW: Grow the Community. Get Rewarded 

Today we're announcing Camdenist Ambassadors and we'd love you to be involved. Help us to grow our readership community, and we promise you a series of attractive incentives by way of thanks. It's easy as 1,2,3...

  1. Share your unique link (below) with neighbours, friends and family.

  2. When people use it to sign-up to receive this Weekly C-Mail, you get points that unlock gifts and weekly prize draw entries.

  3. Check out details of our first two offers starting with 5 chances to win a valentines cocktail hamper from Covent Garden Deli (pictured) and a chance to be sent Dishoom's breakfast kits, not just to your own home, but also to the doors of 3 of your nominated friends, too!

  Copy your unique link:  


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 PICTURES: Empty Streets of Camden Town 

We may have seen them with our own eyes, but scenes of completely deserted local streets, especially the ones 

, are nevertheless quite a sight to behold. This gallery, from MyLondon website, has some classics of the genre. Now's the time to snap some of your own on your daily government-sanctioned exercise walk as - hopefully - we'll never see the likes of this again.

 ONLINE: Explore Encore 

Having had to innovate by morphing into a largely virtual event in 2020, arts, culture and science bonanza Bloomsbury Festival have decided to offer us another chance to see the digital highlights here in the depths of lockdown winter. You'll find loads of free videos, audio and galleries, plus some £5 special shows too. This week's theme is Sight and Other Senses, and make sure to check out the start of tomorrow vie the New Wave programme too.

 EAT: Hiden Japanese Curry Lab 

While a pandemic might not be the ideal time to launch a new gourmet food outlet, it isn't really an issue for Stable Street's Hiden. It follows minimalistic, diminutive hole-in-the-wall style of Japan's specialty food shops. Currently open for takeaways, the house speciality is karē raisu, the sweet, hot and savory curry dish served with sticky rice, now available in King's Cross in beef, chicken or vegan varieties, cooked from scratch each day. 

Camdenist One-Click Poll

Another new feature in the C-Mail this week, where we'll ask a simple topical question every Friday, and reveal the results next time. First up:

How much are you looking forward to visiting a pub, restaurant, show or gathering after lockdown is lifted?

My answer is...

Camdenist is collaborative and transparent by design. We want all locals to participate, so we've built a form where you can send us ideas, propose features, and even contribute your own work.

 Well worth following...